The game is made for ludum dare 50.

Delay the inevitable by trying to survive as long as possible on an archipelago of small islands. The whole world is consumed by Chthon, so don't stay in one place for long. Gather resources, repair tools and try not to be consumed by this ruthless substance.

The game was inspired by Forager, and our artist also accidentally to replicate Don't Starve style (seriously, she hadn't played the game before). The entire world is procedurally generated, and world destruction occurs starting from the center in all directions. Try not to leave important tools far behind in the abyss! :D


WASD - move

Mouse button: use item/tool, craft item.

Space - pick up an object. P.S. You can only carry one item in your hand.

C - open craft tips.

Important tips:

1. With the help of logs you can build bridges to the next islands

2. Darkness kills, it's better to wait out the night by the fire

3. The fire can be used to temporarily stop Chthon

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